Ski holidays deal Italy - Ski holidays deal Tuscany - Ski holidays deal Abetone

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Ski holidays deal Italy


"Sasso al Melo" is located just five minutes from the beautiful village of Cutigliano.
The history and traditions of this quaint town has ancient origins: his birth dates back to Roman times, the followers of Catiline (Roman commander who is still entitled to the main square) and already in Lombard times the favorable position relative to roads, it allowed the development, which increased during the Middle Ages, especially in connection with the transit route from Tuscany to Emilia. From the late fourteenth century was the seat of the Judiciary of the Mountain. This is attested by the beautiful Praetorian Palace (now the Town Hall), whose facade is decorated with coats of arms and heraldic stone and glazed terracotta, demonstrating the residence in Cutigliano as many Captains. Arise in the same square the elegant lodge, the column with the Marzocco (the symbol of Florence), the fountain and the church "Madonna di Piazza" which houses an altarpiece Della Robbia. The nearby Church of St. Bartholomew is enriched with valuable paintings and lapidary.
Cutigliano is the most charming medieval town of Pistoia Mountains for its urban structure, divided into squares and cobblestone streets that provide fascinating glimpses of the rich historical and artistic. It has, however, not only a historical and cultural tradition but also touristic: the country and its fractions (Melo, Pian of the Alders, Pian di Novello and Doganaccia Rivoreta) have always been a destination for summer and winter resort of Italian and foreign tourists .
The charm of Cutigliano, located at 680 metrs above sea level, about the Upper Valley of Lima, is also related to clean air, the rich forest vegetation to spring waters, making it the ideal place for happy holidays.
It's also ski resort and the connection with Doganaccia, via cable or ordinary road, allows the practice of the various winter sports.
During the year, in Cutigliano and its fractions, are held various tourist and folkloristiche events that allow you to discover local culture and traditions.
There are numerous comfortable accommodations and excellent restaurants offering a tasty local cuisine.


Ski holidays deal Italy

Sasso al Melo
Località il Melo - 51024 Cutigliano - near Abetone - Pistoia - Tuscany- Italy
Phone. +39 392 9141768

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